In the Words of Another Developer

A while back, I wrote an article on the importance of cloud computing. A few people posted some good comments and feedback, but last night I got such a long and well thought out comment that I thought it deserved it’s own post. So, without further adieu, here are the thoughts of Daniel Kadosh.

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OK, so this article probably doesn’t have a ton of mass appeal, but since upgrading to Snow Leopard I’ve run into a major issue with the way PHP is compiled in this distribution. Overall, I’m incredibly satisfied with the way everything’s set up by default in Snow Leopard (PHP 5.3 with bundled GD, mysqlnd, etc.), but the big glaring hole in everything was the lack of Freetype support. I’ve been working on a graphing library for my day job, and as such found the need to place text in my images (strange, right?). Anyway, I finally took the plunge and figured out how to get that sucker compiled in there. Here’s what you have to do…

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I'm also open to suggestions

It's more than just another buzz word

You may (or may not) have noticed that there’s A LOT of talk about cloud computing these days. The problem with all this chatter is that it’s incredibly hard to follow. There seems to be a wealth of different definitions of just what cloud computing actually is, and not without good reason. The “cloud” is a pretty ambiguous term, and as such anything attached to it only makes the whole thing a little more ambiguous. Rather than go off on a rant about how all this confusion is leading to a lot of misconceptions about various cloud-based services, let me clarify what I’m going to talk about. This will not be a discussion of certain SaaS stuff living in the cloud (like gmail, twitter, etc.), but rather actual cloud-based computing services and why you need to be using them.

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